Best-Selling Author, Robert has been featured on Television, Radio and in print including CNN, MSNBC, and Fox, as well as, the Los Angeles Daily News and The Texas Observer.

โ€‹Robert Goldsmith has been a lifelong entrepreneur,  a sales professional, and a team builder for more than three decades; that has thrived in a  field where most people fail. More importantly, he is recognized as an individual who takes the lead in most any endeavor, always wearing his heart on his sleeve. Add into that his desire to make people laugh and enjoy life wherever he may be and what you have is the "enter-training" personality.  Robert has encouraged people to laugh, to cry and to learn from his personal life experiences and has done so at events all across the USA.  While many speakers discuss subjects they have been trained on to speak, Robert shares life experiences because he has lived it.



$19.97 Book / $9.97 Download

International best-selling author Mark Victor Hansen (Chicken soup books) along with best-selling author Robert Goldsmith join a select group of entrepreneurs from around the world to co-write the book, "Boom" The Worlds leading Entrepreneurs and Professionals Reveal Their Secret to Improving Your Health, Wealth, and Lifestyle Through Their Explosive Techniques. The royalties earned from Boom! will be donated to the Entrepreneur's International Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to creating unique launch campaigns to raise money and awareness for charitable causes. 


You're Earning What You Deserve And That Sucks . . .

$19.97 Book / $9.97 Download

November 25, 2015 – Robert Goldsmith, Financial Professional, Speaker & "Enter-Trainer", already a 2015 Best-Selling Author for his role in the book BOOM!", Capped off the year with a "Runner up - Finalist" designation from USA Book News for his personally penned book; "You're Earning What You Deserve . . . And That Sucks!"  "In this spirit, author & Financial Consultant Robert Goldsmith acts as the reader's virtual mentor, motivator, and coach. His Passion for encouraging and equipping others is balanced with straight talk, and conversational lively tone. In a bold, proactive and definitive presentation, the lessons conveyed within "You're Earning What You Deserve. . . " are challenging and motivating which will assist anyone who is working for a living, regardless of age, sector or managerial level."   


Step Forward and Shine

$19.97 Book / $9.97 Download

I not only feel excited but I also feel very blessed and honored to bring this transformational book, Step Forward and SHINE! This powerful anthology includes over 30 powerful authors who share their personal stories, first-hand experiences, and expert tips to help you Step Forward and SHINE in your life. Reading and sharing this book will encourage Women and Men around the world to take action, be seen, heard and SHINE!”


From Diapers to It-Depends

$19.97 Book / $9.97 Download

"From Diapers to It Depends,"    is an informative lighthearted look at how everything we do that involves M-0-N-E-Y (and everything pretty much does) determines how we either thrive or survive in today' financial jungle.  However, it is important to note, that no one size fits all.  "How you do - what you do - Depends on, where you are and where you want to go!" Whew, now there's a mouthful.  Seek out your answers in this unique "out of the box" look at life, money, and success. 


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